I thought that I'd share a Harvest/Halloween applique with you today. I call it the "There's a pumpkin on my bumkin applique". There are very few times in life when it's okay to have pictures or words plastered on your bottom, but the baby stage is one (if not the only) acceptable stage. Having boys, I don't get to indulge in ruffled bottom tights and bloomers, so an appliqued onesie will have to work.
It's a simple little applique that I designed. I'll share the file with you so long as you respect that it is for personal use only. The template is designed to fit a pre-washed Carter's 0-3 month onesie. You can feel free to adjust it to different sizes.
My applique is done with some scrap knit fabric that I have had stashed away, heat and bond fusible adhesive, some embroidery thread, and lightweight fusible interfacing.
Begin by applying the heat and bond to the wrong side of the fabric.
Next transfer the image to the front side of the fabric using pattern marking/transfer paper. Cut out your pieces.
Adhere the applique pieces to the onesie. I had the small pumpkin in the front, and the large pumpkin on the behind. It should fit right in line with the seams and snaps on the onesie.
Once I was done with the applique and hand stitching I used some fusible interfacing to secure the embroidery threads, and prevent the thread from irritating babies chest.
That's it.
A fun little applique for the season.
You can find the template here. Once again, the template is for personal use only. Please link up the tops that you've been working on this year in the Top-toberfest link party.

oh my goodness - i love this Tricia! there is a pumpkin on his bumpkin indeed! HA! agree with you about words on bottoms - baby stage may be when it is cutest :)
so cute, Tricia!
Love this! You are so good at applique...mine always come out looking wonky. :-) Congrats on the U-Create feature!
ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! I will be making it for my newborn nephew! Thank you for sharing! I am your newest follower!
Love it! Still smiling!
Awe, I miss those days where my little L could where onesies. She still could but since she's potty trained it makes that more difficult. Anyways, your pumpkin applique is very cute! Love that you used green and orange, including onesie.
Love the little pumpkin butt!! hahaha. SO adorable
Your pumpkins are perfect! :) I agree that babies are the only ones that should have anything on the bumkin. :)
Oh my goodness, this is simply adorable!!
Oh. my. goodness. I literally laughed out loud when I saw that cute little pumpkin butt! Fantastic job! I miss the days when my little man was small enough to wear little onesies like that...sniff. Would you share here?
wow that is really cute!!!!!
Oh my gosh! This is just adorable. LOVE IT! Thank you.
Oh my word, I love it!! And I agree about the age-appropriateness of things plastered on bums.
oh man i want to just squish him!!!! love the onsie!
That is THE cutest ! love it
Oh my gosh! This is the cutest thing I have seen in a long long long time! I am in love with this! awhhhhhhhhhh! I am for sure going to pin this and do something like this when I have babies! Thank you thank you thank you for linking up!!!! I am inspired!
Jaime from crafty scrappy happy
So adorable! This is definitely one to refer back to for the next fall newborn I need a gift for. Thanks for sharing this lovely idea!
Karen @ folk haven
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One of the most adorable things I have seen in a long while. OMGosh! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! IT! I was searching for ideas for my kids fall shirts and wanted to do a pumpkin and a turkey. Saw this and knew I had to share it with my friend Jamie. She is due any day now. I know she would love to make one.
Would you be interested in sharing this post over at my blog? www.thetrendytreehouse.blogspot.com
Thanks. Tara
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