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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Miles...Five Months

I don't know how it happened, but Miles is now five months old.  I love babies.  I love watching them learn and grow.  Miles seems to have learned a lot in the past month.

 He's decided that it's okay to roll over.  He has found the joy of toys, and passing them from one hand to the other.  He loves blowing raspberries, and...

 he is now really good at sitting up on his own. He's my big little guy.


Unknown said...

Aww, I love him! I love this age, when they are old enough to play on their own for a bit without actually getting around and into too much trouble :)

Emily said...

Oh I want to squish him! He looks so much like Clark. :)

Debra Darling said...

TRICIA!! I googled a sewing question and a picture of you came up and I was like: "HEY, That's TRICIA!" Funny. You are cute and I can tell I'm going to love finding your blog!