
Monday, March 5, 2012

White and Purple Sweet Pea

So, I have my new sewing machine part.  I'm thrilled to have my sewing machine back.  I missed it, but was glad that it's absence coincided with my kids illnesses.  I had a baby shower that I was supposed to be to on Saturday.  The boys were still sick so I couldn't attend, but I did whip up a little dress to go with the car seat canopy that was the cause of so much stress.

You'll be happy to know that the recipient loved the canopy.  You were all right.  People have different taste in fabric. She didn't mind the hearts or the heart rainbows one little bit.

Some of you suggested that I throw in something that was a little more me. I did.  I love this little purple and white sweet pea dress. I only did a single layer on this dress, but I love it still the same. You can read more about my stenciling technique here.

The little knit diaper cover was made out of the shirt sleeves of the turtleneck that I repurposed.  I used Dana's Perfect Diaper Cover pattern and tutorial, it was great.


  1. I'm glad she liked the car seat canopy, and I love that little dress you made! How fun.

  2. SO adorable! I'm glad she liked the canopy. It takes all kinds :)

  3. What a sweet little dress! And I'm glad she liked the car seat canopy and that your machine is back. I need to take mine in but can't find a good time to part with it. :)
