
Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Chocolate Chip Cookie Week

I don't know what it is about freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, but they are therapeutic.  With my gluten intolerance I don't often enjoy freshly baked cookies.  The gluten free flours are expensive, prepared cookies never satisfy, and all in all I usually end up disappointed.  Over the years I've found one combination of flours that usually results in pretty tasty cookies, but I hate spending ten dollars just on flours.

 This week we were all sick.  Again, I know.

This week I made a couple of trips to the store.  The first trip occurred on Tuesday night, after a day of fighting off fevers and runny noses.  I stocked up on kleenexes, hand sanitizer, tylenol, cough drops, and boogie wipes.

The second shopping trip was on Friday.  Friday I filled my cart with apple cider, herbal tea, ice cream, and chocolate chip cookie ingredients.

My first trip was an attempt to treat our illness, and the second was an attempt to  heal my emotional state.  Can I tell you that I probably should have stocked up on comfort foods on the first was a much more effective treatment.

I'm happy to report that I mixed up a full batch of cookies, and still have half of the cookie dough in my fridge.  We're not all healthy yet, and I plan on running Miles into the doctor's office tomorrow, but I'm happy to have some emotional medicine in stock.

Today at church I was able to teach a lesson to the young women of our congregation about our attitudes about our divine roles as women.  It was just what I needed.  In preparation for my lesson I found this video about the role of a mother.  I'm so grateful that I was able to slow down this week and snuggle and soothe my sick babies.  What a blessing to be a mother, and have little ones that love and need me.

So, go ahead, make yourself some delicious chocolate chip cookies.  Eat the whole pan if you need to!


  1. Oh my goodness these look SO awesome! Mine always get too thin, causing them to be too crispy...these look GREAT!

  2. How good do these cookies look? I reckon I could eat about 20 of them!

  3. These cookies look amazing!! Hope everyone gets better soon and that this is finally the end of it. We've been sick again too, which is strange b/c we're not out and about all that much and Ansley isn't in school. Must be nursery. . . . .

  4. Would you mind sharing the recipe? My mom can't have gluten and I'd love to send her some cookies!

  5. The cookies look great, I cannot wait to try them, but I wanted to say as a Grandma, thank God for Boogie Wipes!! Where were they when I was raising kids!!
