
Friday, January 18, 2013

I Think I'll Pass: Craft Trends I Could Do Without

I don't want to come off as a hater, but like anyone else, there are things in life that I just don't love (or like).  Craft trends are no different.  I don't mean to offend anyone, especially if you happen to love some of the things that I don't.  I respect that we all have our own opinions, but thought that it might be fun to discuss some things that we are less than in love with.

Some people can't get enough of these things (pinterest will prove that point).

1-Burlap-I don't hate it, but I certainly don't need burlap curtains, or burlap wrapped tin cans.  It doesn't do much for me.  I think that it has it's place, but my living room isn't it.

2-Rolled Fabric Rosettes-  Perhaps if I had a daughter I would have a different opinion.  I've seen some successful rosettes, but for the most part I just think-mehh.

3-Wreaths-I like a nice evergreen wreath, but feel no need to wrap anything in yarn, or plastic spoons.  And I certainly don't feel the need to hang a wreath for every holiday.  I do have a certain amount of respect for the dutiful holiday decorators out there that care enough to do so.  I can be a bit lazy when it comes to seasonal decor.

4-Subway Art-I do actually like SOME, but most subway art I see floating around the internet just looks poorly designed, and thrown together.  I don't need that on my wall.

5-Tulle Home Decor-This comes to me courtesy of pinterest.  I've seen tulle bedskirts, table skirts, curtains, ect.  Again, no daughter in these parts, but has anyone ever worked with tulle?  It looks cute for about a minute and a half before it is a hot mess.  I can't even image using it as decor in a child's room.  Maybe there's a secret to keeping it from bunching, but it just plain seems like a bad idea to me.

Okay, enough complaining from me, I want to hear from you.  Are there any craft trends that you could do without?  What are they?


  1. Ugh! Subway art! I really feel like that term has been abused and misused! I agree with everything on your list! I do like wreaths but definitely don't need one for every holiday! I hear ya sista! Preach on! :-)

  2. I don't care for burlap. It just looks scratchy and uncomfortable. Subway art is ok, if it is personalized. Just my opinion. Don't really care about wreaths. Some are cute, but others are ugly.

  3. Anything that "refashions" toilet paper tubes and hangs on your wall... or makes them stay in my home at all.
    Also, cozies. I saw something for a hand sanitizer cozie. Did I forget the moment my hand sanitizer began regulating its own body temperature and require a sweater so it doesn't catch a cold? And how bulky would that make it? The idea of cozies for inanimate objects of any kind are lost on me.

  4. HA! Love this. I agree with Andy's Mom about cozies. I can't stand the "Keep Calm and...." printables. I agree with 4/5 above with the exception of wreaths, although I'm more of a traditional girl and like the evergreen, grapevine and nature-y type.

  5. I'm right there with you on these. I would have to add ...what are they called? YOu know, where they have a string of flags hanging up. Not really my thing...

  6. mustaches! I just don't get the mustache thing! But I do love my wreaths. :)

  7. ...and don't you think burlap stinks? It smells like oil to me. I'll add one to the list. Advent calendars. I think there was every type, shape and kind of advent calendar out there this Christmas!

  8. Amen. :) Plus mustaches and cozies and high low skirts on adults (though I did make myself one for Halloween). Oh and I used to think camera straps were pointless but now that I made one, I love seeing my favorite fabric every time I see my camera and having a pocket for the lens cap, and having the camera strap not looking so camera y. Silly, I know.

  9. First thing that popped into my mind? Paper bag skirts. Um, hello? Why would I want to look like I'm dressed in a paper bag? I picked up a skirt recently without realizing it had this type of waistband, and I can't wear it! It just adds too much bulk around the middle. Like I need that. :P

  10. I get frustrated when I DO want to try something and then I find the essential only-this-product-works ingredient is only available in America so I can't have a go
