
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hot Air Balloon Thumb Print Guest Book

As I mentioned earlier, my Sister In Law just got married.  They had a beautiful wedding and reception.  She dreamt of having a hot air balloon take them away from their wedding luncheon, but below zero temperatures put an end to that plan.  

As a way to incorporate the hot air balloon into their wedding, I made a hot air balloon basket for their guest book.  Much like the thumb print tree guest book, guest books would leave their thumb prints and names as a way for the bride and groom to remember everyone in attendance.  

I was pleased with the way that the drawing turned out, but unfortunately, the finished, thumb printed basket, looked more like an explosion of confetti then a hot air balloon.  We should have had someone manning the guest book table, but I thought that a simple printed explanation would be sufficient.  It didn't take long before people were placing their thumb prints all over the page, rather then attaching them to the hot air balloon basket (think a huge balloon bouquet lifting the balloon basket).  

So rather than have a cute little memento from their wedding day, they now have an explosion of thumb prints surrounding the basket.  Oh well.  Better luck next time.


  1. So sad that people can't follow directions. But what a fun memento for the couple!

  2. Bummer that it didn't go exactly as planned... but it is still such a cute idea! =)
