
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Desert Island Blog Award: My Top Five

I feel really loved,  I recently received this lovely little award from Lorene of I am Just Lu.  It is the official Desert Island Blog Award.  Isn't that fantastic?  Have you heard of it?  Well here are all the details (taken from

You are alone, stranded on a desert island... with everything you need to survive, such as a fully-stocked pantry, whatever crafting/hobby supplies or other products you want, and an unlimited supply of your favorite beverage. Life is comfortable...

Except that, in the freak cargo-drop accident (because how else would you end up stranded on a desert island, unhurt but alone with all you need to survive?), your laptop was damaged, limiting your internet access to only five blog subscriptions.

Which five blogs do you follow?

The scenario is absurd, yes, but the question stands: Which five blogs would you choose?

That's the question behind the Desert Island Blog Award.  

It was really hard for me to decide on just five.  I'll be honest though, the only blogs that I really read are craft blogs.  My husband might appreciate if I spent more time reading cooking blogs, but oh well.

Here are five of my favorite craft and sewing blogs.  I have some big favorites like Homemade by Jill, and Made, but these are some of my favorite (slightly lesser known) blogs.

Sewing In No Man's Land

I love this blog because not only does Kelly offer beautiful photographs, she also has some crazy sewing skills.  She is always making lovely little dresses and skirts.  She is also extremely generous in providing tutorials and free patterns for most of her creations.  It's fantastic, you should definitely check it out.

I Am Momma Hear Me Roar

For those of you who regularly read my blog this one will come as no surprise.  I love most everything that Cheri does.  She is a mother of boys and always has great ideas for the boy in the family.  She has some fantastic embellished shirts, along with projects for the home.  Her projects are all doable and realistic.  You don't have to be Martha to pull off her projects.

Michele Made Me

Okay if you haven't visiting this blog you really need to.  Michele is fantastically creative.  She is always coming up with great upcycled projects that make my jaw drop.  Her posts are well written and she offers beautiful photos to boot.  How does she do it?  By the time I'm done creating I have zero energy to write a witty post or edit a photo.

Blue Eyed Freckle
This is one of the first craft blogs that I started following.  Katie has a definite slightly quirky style that I love.  She is one of those people that I admire because everything that she makes is her.  Everything is colorful, textural, and...well...quirky.

She has an awesome etsy shop full of great felt headbands that I really need to get my hands on.

How About Orange

Oh how I love this blog.  Jessica offers fantastic ideas on paper crafts (like making bags and gift boxes), and is a fantastic resource for finding links to free printables and projects.  I love it.

You really should check out these blogs.  Thanks so much for the award Lu, I feel so special. Now go check out these great blogs (if you haven't already).

1 comment:

  1. what the... what is this! tricia, can i quote you on my next craft résumé? not that i'll ever have such a thing but, thanks so much for your sweet words. i'm innocently reading your post over here when suddenly, i'm like: hey wait a second, isn't that my blog header? i'm just shocked... thanks so much!
