
Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Change of Pace, Color, and Season

Littleton, NH
Well I'm back from my little vacation.  It was a much needed break, but I am very excited to be back at home with my husband, and my sewing machine.  I've got a list of projects a mile long that I can't wait to tackle.  Thanks for hanging with me while I took a little break.

I spent the last week and a half in New England with my mom and her family.  My mom grew up in New England, but I have only been back a handful of times.  I was able to spend time getting to know my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins a little bit better.  Clark joined me on my little adventure, and he was a good little traveler.  

Littleton, NH
As I got to know my relatives a bit more, it became more and more apparent to me that crafting seems to be in the bloodline.  Two of the aunts that I stayed with are pretty avid sewers.  I visited several small fabric and craft stores with them.  I always love a fabric store, but I mustered all that I had to refrain from purchasing any extra fabric, after all, I was participating in Stashbusting September.  The picture above is  taken outside a little shop in Littleton New Hampshire.  I love that the owner made it into a fabric/Nascar store.  I can't quite figure out the logic behind it, but it made me smile.  

The colors in New Hampshire were beautiful and I thought that I'd share a few quick pictures.  I have a tutorial lined up for Monday, a blog swap on Tuesday, and an exciting  giveaway on Wednesday so be sure to check back in soon.

To see some additional photos from my trip click "read more" below.

Dalton, NH

Poison Sumac- Dalton, NH

Littleton, NH

Nubble Light, York Maine

Clark and his Nana, Hampton Beach, NH

Hampton Beach, NH

Goat Milking
 During my time visiting my dear uncle I was offered the opportunity to milk a goat.  I hadn't done it before so I decided that I might as well take him up on the offer.  It took a while to get the hang of, but I eventually helped out that poor goat.  I did end up with quite a bit of milk outside the bucket, but not too bad for a first attempt.

I realize that this leaf has become lunch to some lucky insect, but I love the lacy texture that it created.

Littleton, NH


  1. How beautiful! I love that picture of the lighthouse in Maine. My husband and I have been telling ourselves for 3 years that we'll go to Maine and around New England for our 5th anniversary in January 2012. But he's a school teacher, so we thought we'd bump it to the summer of 2012 so he doesn't have to worry about taking that time off. But then we realized that we'll want to see all the fall colors, so maybe we'll go in the fall of 2012... and we're back to taking time off! So now we're just hoping to make it there eventually, no matter what time of year!

  2. I read this article. It's very informative and helpful for us. I get inspired by the writing skills of the writer. I love that the owner made it into a fabric Nascar store. Keep sharing more information about this article.
    Now it's time to get for more information.
