
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On My List: Turning This Into That

"I have been very busy today with a great many little nothings."-Vincent Van Gogh
I sure feel like I can relate to VVG at this moment.  Do you ever feel like you go and go and go, but with nothing to show for it.  I always have great plans and intentions to get things done and check things off my list, but it seems like it takes far too much time to realize those plans.  I have a living room that at this moment is scattered with toddler shoes and toys, a kitchen sink that is home to several dirtied dishes, a kitchen counter covered with freezer paper stenciled bags (that still need one more coat of paint before girls camp), and a garden desperately in need of weeding.   The state of my home is of course not a good representation of effort made, except for in the case of the weedy garden.

I thought that today I'd share with you a few of the projects that are on my list.  I've been really inspired by other's shared projects.  Maybe they will serve as a bit of inspiration to you as well.

I purchased this fabric at Joann's yesterday with the intent to make one of these (click on link to see images) baby kimono shirt by Habitual. I just need to figure out some bottoms to go with the adorable top.  Any suggestions for baby bloomers or pants?

These clearance shirts from Old Navy will hopefully be transformed into one of these adorable Warhol dresses by Dana from Made.  Who knows...I might end up transforming it into a grown up Warhol like top for myself.

This by the Yard felt will hopefully transform into one of these Homemade by Jill inspired play tents.  I have decided that I am most definitely not making moveable parts.  I am sure that my son would love to play with them, but I don't think that I am going to love cleaning up and keeping track of all of the different parts.  First I need to decide if I am going to use a card table (which we don't own) or make a PVC pipe frame.

These multicolored felt sheets paired with some flannel and ribbon will hopefully transform into a car mat for my son.  I love how Liz's from Living My Sweet Life  turned out.

“Photo Copyright" 
and a link to  Leather

I couldn't make a list without including a headband. I seem to have a growing addiction to headbands.  I would love to turn some leather like this into one of these adorable Lauren headbands from Ruffles and Stuff.

So those are a few of the projects that are on my list, there are of course more, but I like to focus on a few at  a time, otherwise I get distracted and can't finish anything.  What's on your list?


  1. If the warhol dress works out, I would pay you to make Jade and I matching ones! Or maybe just one for Jade :) They're really cute. Good luck!

  2. I'll let you know how the dress (or top) turns out. If it turns out well I'd be happy to make one for Jade (and you if you'd like), but I wouldn't sell them to you. It's a free online pattern and the terms of use include that you won't sell items made from the pattern, but I'd be happy to make them for friends....and doesn't Jade have a birthday coming up in a few months?
