
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Checked Off The List: Ruffles and Stuff's Lauren Headband

It is always quite overwhelming when you have a long laundry list of things to do, even if it is a craft list.  After my post yesterday I was definitely feeling a bit overwhelmed, but I was also left feeling motivated to report back and show you how things were going.

I managed to accomplish quite a bit considering that my son chose not to nap.  I finished the Kimono Top (I'll show you that later), I also put that last coat of paint on the bags for girls camp, mowed the lawn, picked up those scattered toys, and washed some dishes.  I am quite excited though for the Lauren Headband that I whipped up last night.  I didn't make many modifications, but I am pleased with the way it turned out.

I had to head down into our basement and sort through my book binding supplies to find a piece of leather. Unfortunately my leather collection is in need of replenishment.  The only piece that I had that was long enough for the headband was black and thicker than would probably be recommended; I gave it a try anyway.

One modification that I made was to the headband itself.  I didn't have any elastic on hand so I used an inexpensive plastic headband that I'd found on clearance at target.  I cut slits in the leather as Disney recommends and then glued the headband to the leather starting at one end and working to the other.  I slid the ends of the headband through the slits and glued that portion of the headband down as well.  Having the leather on the inside of the tips makes the headband a bit more comfortable.

Now in the tutorial itself Disney recommends two 15" pieces that are 3/4" wide. Because my leather was thicker mine would have worked better if my bow piece of leather was an inch or two longer.  The center piece of my bow wasn't quite long enough to meet up end to end.

I am not the most adept with a glue gun, and it seems that I always go overboard and end up with globs of glue squished out the sides of my project.  I have discovered a trick to removing those unsightly globs...Tweezers.   A pair of fine point tweezers does  a great job of pulling off extra pieces of dried hot glue (especially on leather).

When my husband saw me working with the black leather he asked if I was planning on attending a biker convention...maybe I will.  I like my black leather headband, but maybe it needs a few studs.  I do wish that the leather had been thinner so that the bow wasn't quite as stiff, but I am quite fond of my new biker bow headband.

What should I work on next?

1 comment:

  1. I, personally, love how stiff the thick leather bow is. It would look ADORABLE on a little girl. (Specifically, on one of mine. ;) )
