
Friday, July 9, 2010

Headbands, That Last Little Something Special

I mentioned in my post on Tuesday that I was hoping to make a headband to go with the Itty Bitty Baby Dress that I had made, well yesterday I finally got around to it.  Now I'd never made an infant headband from stretchy lace before so this was a bit of an experiment.  I found some stretch lace at Joann's along with some crystal-like beads, I added some felt petals, and ended up with this.  I think that it is pretty darling.  I only wish that the lace was cream instead of white, but it was the only thing that I could find.  If anyone has any suggestions on the best material to use when making infant headbands I would appreciate it.  Now most of the felt headbands that you'll find are made from wool felt, but I didn't have any on hand, and I didn't think that this eco-fi felt looked half bad.  With the acrylic felt I think that color choice is essential.

Earlier this week I also made a couple of headbands to add that last little something to some of my favorite outfits.  Now I love all of the felt headbands out there for big girls, but I don't know if I can pull them off.  These are a bit larger than I am used to wearing, but I think that I like them.  I simply cut out my shapes and used my hot glue gun to adhere them.  I attached them by making small loops for the headband to slide into.  This way I can easily remove the headband if I want to switch it out with another piece.  This is the same technique that I used on my rosette headband.  I'd have taken pictures of me modeling the headbands, but I need to improve my self portrait skills.

This is all sort of an experiment, and I am by no means an expert, but let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


  1. Tricia - baby headbands -- buy the 33 cent knee-hi's from Walmart - they come in a little ball and are all different colors! Just sew the ends together. I also put all my hairbows on clips and then they are interchangable - let me know if you'd like me to bring some ideas to reunion - I make TONS of hairbows! I get all my barrettes and clips at - or you can just stop in Shelley next time thru!

  2. Thanks Lori for the great suggestions. It is so nice to have crafty people in the family. I'd love to see some ideas. Maybe we will have to take a family outing to the ribbon retreat. I've visited their website, and thought of stopping by, but it hasn't happened yet. I love the knee high suggestion. I knew that there was a better way.

  3. I love the last one!!
    I want to make myself some headbands for the fall, I just don't know if I'll make a bunch and then never use them!
    I am a new follower, I found you thru Sew Much Ado!
