
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

KCW Challenge

Every time Kids Clothes Week comes around, it seems like I'm buried in a pile of seemingly important projects, and I don't make the time to participate.  Well I've marked the winter session on my calendar, and sketched out design ideas, and sorted through my refashion pile.  I'm bound and determined to participate.  

I'm really excited to sew a few articles of clothing for my boys.  Pants, sweaters, and maybe a hat or two. It's been quite a while since I've sewn clothing for my boys, it should be refreshing.  I get tired of sewing scarf after scarf.  A bit of variety will be welcome.

Now I just need to sit down, draft some patterns, and get ready for Sunday.  Are you participating?  

You can find out more information about Kid's Clothes Week here.


  1. I want to do it as it should this time. =D

  2. I'm hoping I'll get to participate this time, but it depends on whether my sewing machine is repaired by then or not. We'll see! Looking forward to seeing what you make though. =)
