
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Baby Boy Nursery

This week I made some time to work on the baby's nursery.  The space is small, and it will only be a temporary space, so I didn't want to spend a lot of money decorating it.  The decorations also needed to be temporary, so no painting was involved. I tossed around a lot of different ideas, and finally settled on paper airplanes.  Sweet, simple, and easy to work with. I actually woke up one morning thinking of a paper airplane mobile made out of fabric.  I don't know if that project will ever see the light of day, but it served as a jumping off point.  You can find more of my paper airplane inspiration on my nursery board on pinterest.

A few months back I picked up a killer deal on some indoor vinyl from Pick Your Plum, and it has been waiting in my craft closet for the perfect project.  These little paper airplane decals were super easy to make, even without any sort of craft cutter to speak of.  I designed the airplanes, and then printed out a template.  I then transferred the image to the paper backing side of the vinyl, and used an x-acto knife to cut them out.  The white pieces were cut out first, and then spaced slightly apart on darker pieces. The dash marks are all the same width and length, and I just made up the design as I went.

It was a fun, inexpensive, and easy way to update the space. At least now I feel like some effort has been made to prepare our home for this little guy.

The I Am A Child of God printable I found on Pinterest, but you can access it on Mommy Mormon Blogs if you are interested.  It is available in several colors.  This shade of blue just happened to match my vinyl and the blue stripe in the striped crocheted afghan.

Read more about the refinished bassinet.

Apologies for the low lit photo....the room is in the basement.