
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

35 Weeks

Clark (4), drew this picture of his two little brothers being chased by a monster truck.  I got to be present in the picture...due to the fact that the littlest brother is "just a lump in your belly". The proportions are surprisingly accurate, though he left out a few body parts.

Five more weeks to go.  I can survive the 95-100 degree weather.  I'm going to survive the swollen feet, the forty plus pounds of weight gain, the insomnia, the heart burn, and even the irritability (hopefully my family survives that one too).

Only five more weeks until we welcome our third little boy into our home.  Five more weeks to select a name for this little guy.  Five more weeks to deep clean my cupboards, stock up on diapers, wash teeny tiny baby clothes, make freezer meals, do three more months of craft show sewing, do three months worth of church related responsibilities, and five more weeks to enjoy our family of four.  

And only five more weeks to carry around this round belly.  I do love (some aspects) of being pregnant.  I am so grateful to be  a mother, and feel blessed with the opportunity to mother my three boys.  I wish that the to-do list over didn't weigh me down.  I wish I could slow down and really enjoy the next five weeks with Clark and Miles, and of course their daddy.  Heaven knows baby number three is going to change our family life.

I do plan on making the time to take my two little boys, and my husband out on one on one dates before I deliver. My husband and I are celebrating our anniversary this weekend, and should have a good day and a half to ourselves.  We are so excited.  Before we know it, we will be bringing home baby, and he'll be heading back to school.


  1. Happy early anniversary! :) You look great! I was just thinking about you. Good luck with your to do list.

  2. Your 35 weeks maternity pic is really NICE!!!!!!!!!!!
