
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Technique Tuesday: Selecting the Right Sewing Machine Needle

Tip: Color Code your sewing needles with nail polish

When I first started sewing I used a universal sewing machine needle for every project.  I wasn't going to spend more money on a simple sewing machine needle.  The more I sew, and learn about sewing, the more I realize the importance of using the correct sewing machine needle. I've gradually added different  needles to my collection: heavy duty, twin, ball point, leather, wing tip, etc.  Yesterday, however, I was working with a really fine polyester woven, and I didn't have the correct needle.  My fabric was catching, puckering, and pulling.  I really needed a different needle.

So in an attempt to save you from sewing machine needle frustration, I've found a couple of really great posts that talk about which machine needle to choose.

Source: via Tricia on Pinterest

Sew 4 Home

Sew Mama Sew!

and this little PDF guide from Schmetz might be the best resource of all.  

Schmetz Sewing Machine Needle Guide PDF

A little something extra: Joann's has their sewing notions 50% off this week and next.  Perfect time to stock up. 


  1. I've been meaning to look this up. You really are a mind reader, huh? :) I have universal needles, ball point needles, and heavy duty needles but that's it. Thanks for the Joann's tip. Guess I'll have to go back again, now that Ansley knows people by name there. haha.

  2. Love the new site! I have been an rss reader these days but ventured on the click through today, always a good surprise waiting. It looks great, and I love seeing your face there!

    I too am a needle for the right fabric gal. I actually came by it the other way - I didn't know there was such thing as a universal, so every time I started a new project, I would pick up a needle to go with the fabric. Imagine my delight when I learned there was a universal :)

  3. I am TERRIBLE about using the proper needles for the fabric I sew! I did finally cave and buy some ballpoint needles for knit after hearing you talk about them, but now I can't keep track which is which since I haven't color-coded them yet like you, smarty pants!

    While I'm confessing my sewing sins... how much use can I get out of one needle? I am certain I am supposed to get a new needle more often than I do, but how often? and how can I keep track of how much use one has gotten if I am switching needles based on the fabric? I'm a little needle-needy here apparently :)
