
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter (or Eastird as Clark refers to it)

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday.  I hope that you did too.  I wanted to snap a few pictures of the boys in their Easter ties/outfits.  Unfortunately I didn't get it done before church, and Clark covered himself in chocolate spit, while devouring some chocolate he received from his teacher. So chocolate spit is present in the picture, but it is probably a good representation of what Easter is really like.

 I tried to take the pictures on our front step, but cars kept driving by....

 ...and planes kept flying overhead.  It was really hard for these little guys to focus on the camera.

While I'm showing you family pictures....Miles is now six months old.  He's super close to crawling, and moves all around the room, only in reverse.  He's expressing his frustrations more and more.  He can hardly handle when anyone takes something away from him.  He is also becoming more and more active.  I used to type up most of my posts with him on my lap, but now that is impossible.  He loves pushing buttons and grabbing the mouse. He's still a bit of a monster, 98th percentile for weight, and 99th for height.   We sure love both of our boys and feel very blessed to have them in our family.


  1. LOVE these pictures! Happy Easter!!

  2. The boys are quite cute! Maybe, one of these days, I'll get up the gumption to make as cute of an outfit for my Peanut.

  3. Awww...I thought you made your husband a tie too. I wanted to see. :)

  4. My WORD, you have adorable boys! Happy Easter!
