
Monday, February 20, 2012

Knit Wrap Dress

Update: I've posted a tutorial for this dress here: Two Piece Knit Dress

It seems like you always want what you can't have.  When I was pregnant with Miles all I wanted to wear were high waisted skirts, and that just wasn't happening.  Now that I have my waist back, it seems that all I want to wear are dresses.  Most people can wear dresses, but when you are a nursing mother, they can be problematic.

I fell in love with this Tibi Wrap dress.  The original has a zipper in the back, and is fairly fitted, but doesn't it look comfy?

I decided to attempt to make the dress myself.  I didn't want to sew in a zipper, and I wanted to make sure that I would still be able to nurse while wearing it.  To work around the zipper, I decided to make the dress two pieces.  The skirt is a tube dress, and the wrap is essentially a jacket.  I shortened the sleeves, and left off the built in belt.

It actually works out quite nicely when nursing.  I can pull the tube layer down, and the wrap up-  Easy access.  I'd like to take in both the skirt and the tube portion of the dress, there is just a bit too much fabric there. I wish that I were better about mending and altering, I simply hate spending time on projects that I feel should be complete.

  When I wore the dress to church, a lady that I serve with asked me if I'd worn the dress while pregnant.  I didn't, but I most certainly could have.  It is super comfortable. I didn't wear a belt with the dress during the photo shoot, but the great thing about this dress is that you can wear a belt, and it would never have to be removed to feed your babe.

Thanks for reading, and for all of your kind words in the past few posts.  I love hearing from you.


  1. Hey Tricia,

    What a pretty dress, it looks so comfy, and even though I'm not nursing anymore, I'd totally wear it :) I bet it would look awesome with a red belt!!

    I miss reading your blog, and have been horrible at keeping up, but I redid my blog roll again, and now I have all my FAV BLOGS updated daily on there. So I can hopefully keep up better.

    Have a WONDERFUL day my friend!!
    Hugs, Bella :)
    Bella Before and After
    Euro Style Cakes.

  2. Tricia this is pretty much the perfect dress! I LOVE your version!! :) It looks so classy and comfy. I'd love to see a picture of the jacket alone sometime (no rush) and hear about what kind of knit/weight of knit you used. I'm seriously crushing on this.

  3. this is adorable and brilliant! I always wanted to wear dresses while nursing as well!

  4. Beautiful Dress! This is gorgeous and I'm totally jealous. You're right, there are no good dresses out there for nursing mothers (and most of the ones that do work are just way too low cut for wearing in public)! Did you use a pattern or did you just wing it? I'd love to see some more pictures of it so I can try to copy! Thanks for sharing!

  5. If you get around to more pictures of the jacket I'd love to have a simple tutorial for it as well. The dress looks wonderful!

  6. What an awesome idea! I have been thinking about having a dress that I could nurse in. Thanks for the idea. It looks super cute on you!

  7. I really love both the inspiration and your version. Wow! And you made it work for nursing - double impressive.

  8. I really like this dress, and I would love to wear dresses, but none work with nursing!

    I would really appreciate more pictures or a tutorial for the jacket/wrap.

  9. this dress looks beautiful! i love that you can still nurse in it too!

  10. Tricia, ever since you pinned (or blogged? I can't remember) that dress, I have been thinking about it. Your version is fantastic! Did you use a pattern to get you started? Like everyone else, I'd love to hear more about how you put it together. :)

  11. Love, love, LOVE! I always wanted a dress when I was nursing. Would you consider a tutorial?

  12. Wow! It turned out amazingly! I am very impressed!
