
Monday, April 1, 2013

It's a . . . .

First of all, this isn't an April Fool's joke. I am always reluctant to post anything honest on April Fool's Day, but I just had to let you know, that. . .

What can I say, we know how to make boys.  Fortunately, we love our boys, and know that we will love this little guy.  

Thanks to all of you that cast your vote on the gender.  It was fun to see what people guessed.  90% of you guessed that it would be a girl.  Don't feel bad that you didn't get it right.  After all, the Old Wives, and the Chinese Gender Chart got it wrong as well.  It may have been wishful thinking, and to be honest, the idea of having a little girl in pigtails was fun.  Until then, we'll just love what we have.  

We were so relieved to see that everything looked good.  There are so many things that have to happen for a little baby to grow, and it just amazes me that things go the way that they should, as often as they do.

I can't promise ruffles and lace over the next few months, but they'll show up eventually.  I have plenty of nieces to sew for.  


  1. Congrats Tricia! So glad to hear everything looks well with your new little boy!!! You do make adorable boys. :) Love your boy sewing posts- they're super helpful when trying to sew for my nephew.

  2. Congrats!! Great news and I'm so happy to hear all went well! Enjoy your new love!

  3. Love the picture announcement... really cute! =)
    I guessed girl, but I'm a little jealous that you are having a boy- our 3rd daughter is due in August.

  4. Your picture is so cute!!! As a mother of 4 boys, wait for the comments from others about trying for a girl. Boys are so awesome!!! I keep telling hormonal self that boys are easier when they are older and not as much drama. Here here to more boys!!!

  5. Congrats!! I'm having a boy too and am looking forward to all the adventures that come with boys!
