
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Home Improvements: Round 2

I'd like to sit here and pretend that I live in a beautiful home, with all of the latest furnishings, but that simply isn't true. I would hate to deceive you.

I have a nice, very little, starter home.  It's furnished with thrift store couches, and Wal-mart grade entertainment centers.  Really it isn't so bad though, I have little boys.  We try to keep what we have in good condition, and looking nice, but boys will be boys.  Things get broken, drawn on, and are handled a bit too rough.  When I wish that I had nicer things, I just have to remind myself that the time will come, and hopefully it will come at a time that my children will be a bit easier on everything.

We have a couch, that is not the most beautiful thing, but it was a treasure of a thrift store find.  We bought it when my husband and I were engaged.  It had come from a doctor's office, and was in pretty good condition.  It has moved with us four times already, and is getting a bit worn out.  The bottom material was ripped, and has been pulled on by little hands.  It was starting to hang down and be visible when passing by.  I decided that although I couldn't replace my lil' ol' couch, I could fix her up a bit.  I grabbed my handy dandy staple gun, a pair of scissors, and proceeded to show her a little tlc.

First I trimmed off all of the frayed material. It wouldn't staple well anyway.

Then I took this....

...and folded the remaining material under, to make it look more like this.  Such an improvement.

It took five minutes to do, and makes me wonder why I waited so long to put it at the top of my to-do list.

I wish that I could spend thousands of dollars on improving my home, but it just goes to show, that there are small things that you can do to improve your home, without spending any money.

A few other things that I've been working on around the house:

-I deep cleaned the fridge. It happens to be my least favorite kitchen task, and it pure torture for a pregnant lady.

-I filled in nail holes all over my living room (in preparation for a fresh coat of paint).

-Showed my cupboards and kitchen furniture a little tlc with some soap and water and some furniture polish.  Why did I wait so long?

It turns out that my home improvements are more like spring cleaning-Ha.

What have you been working on?  What are your favorite free home improvements?


  1. Way to go, the couch looks much improved. We are still in a smallish starter home too, not such a bad thing when your kids are little and a bit rough on things!

  2. Growing up we always got couches from my aunt and uncle when my aunt decided she needed to change the furniture up. One time the bottom of the couch looked similar to yours - except much worse, holes everywhere. My parents stapled a bed sheet over the bottom to fix it. It was a great couch other than the bottom and no one ever knew what that looked like. It worked so well that my sister took that couch to college and then into her first home 10 years later.
