
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Arroz Con Leche

It's a wet and cold start to spring here in Idaho.  We had beautiful weather yesterday, but typical of March, that changed quickly.  Grey skies always make me want to stay warm in my pajamas all day long, and that fact that my 18 month old has been super irritable with teething, doesn't motivate me to embrace the day one little bit.

I needed some comfort food today, and that came in the form of Arroz Con Leche.  I've always loved rice pudding.  My mom makes some delicious rice pudding, but it is much different than it's latin food counter part arroz con leche (at least in my book). 

I spent 18 months of my life as a missionary for my church.  I was fortunate enough to spend my days filling up on Mexican and Latin American foods.  Arroz Con Leche is a favorite.  My companion from Bolivia first taught me how to make it.  It's simple, delicious, and perfect for a belly in need of warming on a cold day. 

I used Diana Barrios Treviños recipe, from her cookbook, Los Barrios  Family Cookbook.  Her Easy Rice Pudding recipe is just what it says, easy.  Her recipe is pretty basic, and I'm not going to share it here, but it involves everyday ingredients and seasonings.  Her recipe doesn't call for cloves, but in my book, if it's arroz con leche, it needs cloves. 

Source: via Tricia on Pinterest

You can find recipes all over the place.  Some are a bit more complex, but I'm sure that they are every bit as delicious. 

While Arroz Con Leche is far from being a health food, it sure did wonders for my emotional/mental health.  My teething toddler loved it too-no chewing involved.

It's no wonder I've gained more weight with this pregnancy than the others.  Mama loves food.  

In other news: I'm working on a tutorial for you.  It should be up by the first of next week at the latest.  Time to get my bigger than normal buns in gear.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, you read my mind! I was just craving some of this today, and I don't have the baby belly to justify it! :) Looks soooo yummy...
