
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer Time: Bear Lake

This summer has flown by, and it makes me sad to think that it is coming to a close.  My husband's current work schedule doesn't allow him to have much time off, and we haven't done much by way of recreation this summer.  He did manage to get off half of this last week.  His time of was split between a family camp out in Bear Lake Idaho/Utah, and my brother's wedding.  Needless to say, this has been a busy and somewhat stressful, but wonderful, week.  We had a great time spending some time in the sand and sun with family.

FYI: That's sand on my toes, not hair. 

For those of you that live in Southern Idaho, or Northern Utah, you are probably familiar with Bear Lake.  It's the only lake in the area, that I visit, that has a sandy beach, and warm enough water for swimming.  The lake is quite large, the water clean, and absolutely gorgeous.

We all had a really great time.

 My husband was pretty bummed that we had to miss a few days of the camp out, and head back for the wedding, but he put on a happy face.

 Miles loved the water.

Clark loved the sand! See those sandy cheeks poking out of his trunks? I'm so glad they didn't burn!

Thanks for a great get away Bear Lake.  We miss you already, and can't wait until next year.

I'll share some projects from the wedding later this week!  It turned out much better than I thought it might :).

Don't forget to check out P&G's new eStore.  Follow the widget on this post for 10% off your order in August, and free shipping on orders over $25.


  1. It's a clean lake other than the Bear Lake Monster living in it!! Jk. We were there this last Friday! And such is the curse of me it rained at the end of the day. I seriously have never gone and had it not rain.

  2. u have such adorable kids! :)
    i love your blog.
    from me,
