
Thursday, August 30, 2012

11 Months & A Sewing Challenge

Mmmm...Sidewalks chalk.

Miles turned 11 months old this week.  I can't hardly believe that he'll be a year old next month. This month has been an eventful one for this little guy. He grew three new teeth, he's added a couple of new words to his vocabulary, dog and clark, although we don't hear dog very often, and Clark is more of a dra sound. He figured out how to take off his diaper, and stand up in the shopping cart. He even started walking this month...tear.  He's up to a total step count of about 7 or 8.  

He's a happy little guy with a short temper. He cries, but rarely when he's hurt.  

He's busy, busy, busy. I'm constantly having to clean up the mixing bowls, and tuna fish cans that he pulls from the kitchen cupboards.  He thinks that everything is a stool, and is quite the climber already.

 He has some serious curls on the back of his head, and I plan on keeping them for a while.  A kind gentleman at the store last week told me it was time to cut his hair.  "There will be plenty of time for long hair and earrings down the road", he told me.  I plan on keeping the curls as long as I can.

This boy loves being outside.  It makes him so happy to play in the grass, and so upset when it's time to go inside. I used to take Clark for walks in the stroller to fall asleep, but Miles hasn't fallen asleep in the stroller yet, he's too fascinated with his surroundings.

Now it's time to start planning a birthday party.  With my boys' birthdays a week and half apart, I'm still trying to decide whether we'll do a joint party or not.  Clark thinks that Miles wants a submarine party, and Clark is dead set on having a "big and mighty machine party".

About the challenge...I was trying to find something in the top drawer of my craft dresser yesterday.  It was filled to capacity.  The top drawer is typically filled with half finished projects.  Yep, I have that many half finished projects.  So, in an effort to clean up my work space, and get something accomplished before it's time for halloween and holiday sewing, I'm going to challenge myself to complete as many of my existing projects as I can.  I've got a lot of projects on the list, and I'm sure I won't finish all of them, but it will be good to make progress.  Anyone want to join me?  I'm starting today, and next Friday I'll try to recap everything that I've finished.

Also, don't forget to visit P&G's eStore for a 10% discount on your purchase, and free shipping on orders $25 and more.  Today's the last day for the discount, so hop on over.


  1. I'm also trying ti finish my half finished projects, I wish I had not been so lazy and just finished it when I first started it!

  2. Oh my gosh he's so cute! Those curls are darling too!! Good luck with the projects. :) I surprisingly don't have many half finished projects but I do have a ridiculous fabric and pattern stash that could use some attention.

  3. Clark and Paul must watch the same shows on Netflix... we hear a toddler version of the "big and mighty machines" song at least once an hour around here :)

    I LOVE Miles' curls. My kids' hair is straight as can be, but if they have curls, you bet I would keep them and let them grow. And probably tell the man in the store that maybe if I let my baby have long hair now, we can skip the long hair and earrings later ;)

  4. Ugh, I'm in the same boat with half-finished projects. Only mine fill a couple of totes instead of a dresser drawer. I think I'll jump in on your challenge, only I will start next week when my kids are FINALLY.BACK.IN.SCHOOL.

    PS: I'm thinking Miles needs a cake smash photo session, don't you think? ;-) First birthdays are such a fun time!
