
Monday, November 21, 2011

Lace Leather Cuffs

In my last post I mentioned that I'd been sewing quite a bit for my craft booth, well I thought that I'd show you a bit of what I've been working on. I've had some of my leather coil bracelets for sell in the booth, and wanted to come up with a few different styles. I used the same basic technique that was used on the faux leather and lace belt to sew up these little girl lace cuffs.  

I also created a few more basic bands with some contrast stitching.  I love the bracelet in the front, the leather was so rich that I couldn't bare to cover it in lace or slice it up.

If you're looking for a really quick holiday gift project this is it. You can find my tutorial for leather cuff bracelets here, and my leather coil bracelet tutorial here.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I love the lace! I'm sure you and your booth will do fantastic!
