
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dress Up: Super Why Halloween Costume

I just finished up Clark's Halloween costume.  Phew, it is such a relief to have it done.  I'd hoped to make it prior to Miles' arrival, but that didn't happen.  Thankfully, I was able to purchase the materials before Miles' birth. Last week when my mom was at my house helping out I got the pattern drafted and the pieces cut out.  I've spent all of this week stealing small chunks of time to come up with the costume.

We threw around several costume ideas this year.  This is the first year that Clark has had a strong opinion.  Initially he was set on being Thomas the train.  I really had no idea how I'd tackle that one, so with a bit of persuasion we sold him on Super Why.  For those of you that aren't familiar with the character, Super Why! is a PBS character that has the power to read.  Clark really enjoys the show, and I don't feel guilty about letting him watch it.  Clark also loves super heroes, so this seemed like it would be a good fit, and the costume seemed doable.

The costume consists of a sparkly green glitter foam mask, a shiny blue cape, green leggings, a green and blue top, and blue briefs with an attached yellow belt. I used a pair of tight fitting pajamas to draft the top and the leggings.  The cape is my own design, and the mask was also. I really love how the costume turned out.   We still need to come up with a Why writer, and add some lightening bolts to his shoes, but I think that I'll wait on those, otherwise they'll be destroyed before the big night.  

My only complaints are that the shirt is a bit too short and doesn't stay tucked in like I'd like it to, the orbits on the appliques are sloppy due to too much material to stitch through, and the mask is a little wonky, but all in all I like it.

 and if you can't tell....

...Clark loves it.

 I love my little super hero.  

Are you making costumes this year?  If so, what?


  1. It looks great!! We'll have to check out super why. My friend and her kids really like it too. Ansley is going to be little red riding hood. I added a hood to the toddler girls fleece coat that came with the pattern you used for Clark's fleece coat. :)

  2. I love it! We're still trying to decide what we'll be this year.

  3. This costume is incredible! My two year old absolutely adores Super Why and I have started looking for a Halloween costume for him already! Did you make the applique on the shirt and cape as well? I iwish I could sew!!! You don't know how much I would absolutely love to have a costume like this for him! You wouldn't happen to be willing to sew a costume for me, would you :) Being totally serious too!!!

  4. I´d like to buy a "Super Why" fancy for my 2 y/o son. Do you send it to Brazil?

    If you do, how much is it?

  5. My grandson wants this costume so bad I can not find his size he is tall and very thin he is autistic once he is set on something he is set.
    Please let me know if I can have one made for him.
    Jordan would be so excited .
    Thank you
    Sinia Ellis
