
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tips Tricks and Techniques: Easing a Pressed Curved Edge

You've seen the baby corduroy pants that I've been making for my new nephews, well I've recently been working on a more feminine version of the pants.  In place of the angular front pockets, I've added some sweet rounded pockets.  These rounded pockets are really quite simple to make, so long as you know one simple trick: easing the curved edge.

These particular pockets are stitched directly to the front of the pant, rather than being built in.  With the angular pockets on the boy version, you can easily press the raw edges 3/8" and then stitch them to the front of the pant.

Have you ever tried to press a curved edge?  Not the easiest thing.  You can make it a whole lot easier by using a simple gathering stitch around the base of the curve.

To do this you will want to use a long stitch, with loose tension.  You will start about 1 inch above the turn of the curve, and stitch 1/8" outside of the press line (this will ensure that your gathering stitch is not visible when the pocket is finished). Continue stitching until you have turned the curve, and are about one inch above your curved edge.  Leave you thread ends long, and don't backstitch to start or end your stitch line.

You will not slightly gather your thread.  You will want to pull on either the top or bobbin thread, just enough that the curve begins to turn in.  We are not actually gathering or ruffling the pocket, but merely pulling the threads enough that the raw edge begins to turn inward.

Once I have my stitch line gathered the desired amount, I tie a simple overhand knot with my threads, and trim them.  The knot will keep the gather in place until the pocket is finished.

Now with your iron you will want to press in your raw edges.  Press the entire length of the pocket, and the curved edge.  Your curve should turn smoothly and be ready for attachment.

Now wasn't that easy.  I love using this technique for rounded pockets, but I'm sure that it has many other applications as well.

Thanks for reading, and happy sewing.

Obviously I'm missing a photo of the finished project.  I thought that I had one, but apparently I'm missing it.  I'll try to add it as soon as I am able to get a decent shot.


  1. I can't thank you enough for this simple tute! Of course I am banging my head and saying why didn't I figure that out! DOH!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

  2. That is great, sometimes it seems amazing that I have been sewing for 11 years and there is still SO much to learn. Thanks.

  3. So smart! And I love the pom-pom trim on the pockets. :)

  4. Thank you for clearly explaining and showing how to do this. I will stop avoiding curved pockets now. :)

  5. This is great! Yes, I am trying to figure out why I have not thought of it before. SO glad to have the bloggy world for all these fantastic ideas!! YOU ROCK. :)

  6. Awesome tutorial! I linked to it on Craft Gossip Sewing:

