
Monday, January 31, 2011

For the Shop: Baby Booties

As I mentioned last week, I've been very  busy sewing for my new booth space at the gift bazaar where I'm going to start vending. 

I love being able to post new tutorials and projects for you, but this week you are stuck with a collection of my most recent creations.

 I think that it is always quite fun coming up with different styles and versions of the same pattern.  The crocodile mary jane's are my favorite for the girls, but I'm loving the plaid booties at the top of the page.

Herringbone and houndstooth, two of my favorite prints.  My husband thinks that the sheen on the houndstooth version sends pushes them out of the realm of gender neutral, and over to the feminine side, but I disagree.


  1. Oh my gosh those are so cute I almost wish I had a new born again, almost.

  2. I love them all! They are just so adorable and I am SURE they will sell like hotcakes for you. You have such an awesome talent for selecting the perfect materials/patterns. And I don't think the houndstooth is particularly feminine -- they'd be perfect for a little boy in a tux/vest with a bow tie!

  3. Ooh so cute! I love the different versions! Where's your new boutique/bazaar?

  4. What pattern did you use for these?

  5. Oh, Tricia, I'm are ubber-talented
    How was your bazaar going ?
