
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Easy Ribbon and Bead Bracelet

After my plum colored dress post I received a sweet comment from Dawn suggesting that I add some fun beaded jewelry to my dress to give it a little something extra.  It was a great suggestion, but here's the deal.  I am cheap.  I have a hard time spending money on jewelry.  Also my taste is a bit selective.  I do like some big/chunky jewelry, but not much.  Anyway, I decided that I did need to start dressing myself up a bit.  I was at Joann's late last week and I found that their beads were on sale. I can't resist a sale.  So I picked up some of the least expensive beads that I could find and a few jewelry making basics.  I remembered seeing several bead/ribbon necklaces and bracelets around blogland and decided to try it out for myself.  

The bracelet that I made used this pewter colored ribbon and some tiny little beads.  I followed the tutorial here.   It was really pretty simple to make.  I love the color combination.  I added a jewelry clasp to the bracelet so that I could take it on and off, but you could totally make this out of a stretchy cord which would eliminate any need for a clasp.  

I strung the extra beads onto some stretch cord to make some simple coordinating bracelets.  I'll probably end up cannibalizing them for a future project, but until then I'll put them to good use.

It is a little baby step into the world of jewelry making and wearing, but it is a step none the less. What do you think?

Don't forget to enter to win the CSN Stores Giftcard Giveaway.  It is still open for a few more days.  

I'm linking up here today.


  1. I love the colors you chose! I am the same way about jewelry - particular and cheap. :) But I just might pick up some beads at Michaels today because these are just my style...

  2. We have this in common Tricia. I don't wear jewelry either. i'm basically a mess all the time because of the crafting addiction. No time to be pretty. Must make something. :) Your bracelet is very lovely. i like the way you've worked the beads in the ribbon!

  3. How pretty! I love the folds in the ribbon.

  4. The bracelet turned out beautifully! Personally, it's hard to know whether my cheap will get the better of my lazy or my lazy will get the better of my cheap, which is probably why I get my jewelery at the thrift store on sale day; )

  5. Hi I am visiting over from Fun To Craft:) I love how vibrant the beads are. You did a great job.

    You can visit me at
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Lovely!!! I love the fold of the ribbons. i love the color combination of bracelets.

  7. These are so pretty! I love simple jewelry projects. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate your efforts
    and I will be waiting for your next write ups thank you once again.
