
Friday, July 2, 2010

New To The Shop

Alrighty, this isn't the post that I had planned on for today, but I am having some technical difficulties in posting....Aargghhh.  If I can get my computer to work with me then maybe we will have a two post day, if not we will settle for this.

I recently added two different prints to my etsy shop.  I thought that I'd introduce them to you.

This little cutie was originally done for an Illustration Friday post, I believe that the word of the week was "Crash", so that's what I call her.  Crash might seem a bit far fetched, but when I think of things that crash-waves is right up there.  It is a cheerful little image and you have got to love the polka dot bikini. 

If you visit my shop you will find a large number of images in this same style.  I have worked on a series of animal portraits and this was one of the first that I did, but one of the most recent to be edited and prepped for print.  This is my husband's favorite of the bunch, but he loves elephants so there you go.

I'm currently trying to get a few more of my images ready for the shop, but these are the two most recent to join the group.  They are looking for nice homes.  Feel free to contact me if you know anyone looking to adopt.

I feel a bit bad shamelessly promoting my shop on my blog, but that is what originally motivated me to start my blog.  It's funny how sewing and crafting has actually taken priority and distracted me from pushing paint.

For more information about the images or my other prints visit my shop.

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